Biocultural Design とは、自然と人間の持続的な関係性をつくるための創造行為です。
Designing landscapes, products and experiences based on the art and nature.
Some people call it just a gardening, but we understand it as the Biocultural Design.
Through this concept, we will create solutions to realize the ideals of SDGs and world peace.

Biocultural Diversity(生物文化多様性)という言葉があります。これは、従来のBiological Diversity(生物多様性)の概念では捉えきれていなかった自然と人間社会の営みの関係の部分を補完し、人類の将来にとって本当に持続的な取り組みが何であるかを導き出すための、新しい考え方です。また、これは世界中の民族それぞれの文化に自然共生の営みが存在することを認め、その叡智を学び合う、人類の平和と共存に向けた取り組みであるとも言えるでしょう。我々はこの概念に基づいて、日本の里山や庭園文化がもつ自然共生の思想と、日本の伝統的造園術を応用した技術的アプローチを駆使して、「空間」「製品」「体験」をトータルにデザインすることを目指しています。
There is the word “Biocultural Diversity”. This complements the part of the relationship between the activities of nature and human society, which has not been captured by the conventional idea of “Biological Diversity”, and derives what is truly sustainable for the future of humankind. It can also be said that this is an effort towards the peace and coexistence of humankind, recognizing the existence of activities of blending with nature in the racial cultures of the world, and learning each other’s wisdom. Based on this concept of Biocultural Diversity, we will make a total design of all things in modern society by making full use of the idea of living with nature that Japanese Satoyama and garden culture have, and the technical approach applying traditional Japanese gardening.